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:warning: geometry/DynamicCHT.cpp


 * Author: talant
 * Date: 2024-08-09
 * Description: Dynamic CHT for maximum
struct Line {
    mutable ll k, m, p;
    bool operator<(const Line& o) const {
        return Q ? p < o.p : k < o.k;
struct LineContainer : multiset<Line> {
    const ll inf = LLONG_MAX;
    ll div(ll a, ll b){
        return a / b - ((a ^ b) < 0 && a % b);
    bool isect(iterator x, iterator y) {
        if (y == end()) { x->p = inf; return false; }
        if (x->k == y->k) x->p = x->m > y->m ? inf : -inf;
        else x->p = div(y->m - x->m, x->k - y->k);
        return x->p >= y->p;
    void add(ll k, ll m) {
        auto z = insert({k, m, 0}), y = z++, x = y;
        while (isect(y, z)) z = erase(z);
        if (x != begin() && isect(--x, y)) isect(x, y = erase(y));
        while ((y = x) != begin() && (--x)->p >= y->p)
            isect(x, erase(y));
    ll query(ll x) {
        Q = 1; auto l = *lower_bound({0,0,x}); Q = 0;
        return l.k * x + l.m;
#line 1 "geometry/DynamicCHT.cpp"
 * Author: talant
 * Date: 2024-08-09
 * Description: Dynamic CHT for maximum
struct Line {
    mutable ll k, m, p;
    bool operator<(const Line& o) const {
        return Q ? p < o.p : k < o.k;
struct LineContainer : multiset<Line> {
    const ll inf = LLONG_MAX;
    ll div(ll a, ll b){
        return a / b - ((a ^ b) < 0 && a % b);
    bool isect(iterator x, iterator y) {
        if (y == end()) { x->p = inf; return false; }
        if (x->k == y->k) x->p = x->m > y->m ? inf : -inf;
        else x->p = div(y->m - x->m, x->k - y->k);
        return x->p >= y->p;
    void add(ll k, ll m) {
        auto z = insert({k, m, 0}), y = z++, x = y;
        while (isect(y, z)) z = erase(z);
        if (x != begin() && isect(--x, y)) isect(x, y = erase(y));
        while ((y = x) != begin() && (--x)->p >= y->p)
            isect(x, erase(y));
    ll query(ll x) {
        Q = 1; auto l = *lower_bound({0,0,x}); Q = 0;
        return l.k * x + l.m;
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