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View the Project on GitHub AlexanderNekrasov/Youthful-Passion-Fruit-teambook
#ifdef LOCAL #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #endif #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = double; using ull = unsigned long long; #define pbc push_back #define mp make_pair #define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end() #define vin(a) \ for (auto &i : a) \ cin >> i // mt19937 rnd(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); mt19937 rnd(228); template <typename T1, typename T2> inline void chkmin(T1 &x, const T2 &y) { if (y < x) { x = y; } } template <typename T1, typename T2> inline void chkmax(T1 &x, const T2 &y) { if (x < y) { x = y; } } ld EPS = 1e-9; ld PI = acos(-1); int sign(ld x) { if (x > EPS) { return 1; } else if (x < -EPS) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } ld sq(ld x) { return x * x; } struct Point { ld x = 0, y = 0; Point() = default; Point(ld _x, ld _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {} Point operator-(const Point &other) const { return Point(x - other.x, y - other.y); } Point operator+(const Point &other) const { return Point(x + other.x, y + other.y); } Point operator*(const ld &a) const { return Point(x * a, y * a); } Point operator/(const ld &a) const { assert(sign(a) != 0); return Point(x / a, y / a); } ld operator^(const Point &other) const { return x * other.y - y * other.x; } ld operator*(const Point &other) const { return x * other.x + y * other.y; } Point ort() const { return Point(-y, x); } ld len2() const { return sq(x) + sq(y); } ld len() const { return sqrt(len2()); } int half() const { return sign(y) == 1 || (sign(y) == 0 && sign(x) >= 0); } bool operator<(const Point &other) const { if (sign(y - other.y) != 0) { return y < other.y; } else if (sign(x - other.x) != 0) { return x < other.x; } else { return false; } } bool operator==(Point &other) const { return sign(x - other.x) == 0 && sign(y - other.y) == 0; } Point norm() const { ld d = len(); // maybe change to if (d == 0) return Point(); assert(sign(d) == 1); return Point(x / d, y / d); } Point turn(ld sin, ld cos) const { return Point(x * cos - y * sin, x * sin + y * cos); } Point turn(ld phi) const { return turn(sin(phi), cos(phi)); } }; #define Vec Point ld getAngle(Vec &lhs, Vec &rhs) { return atan2(lhs ^ rhs, lhs * rhs); } bool cmpHalf(const Vec &lhs, const Vec &rhs) { if (lhs.half() != rhs.half()) { return lhs.half(); } else { int sgn = sign(lhs ^ rhs); if (!sgn) { return lhs.len2() < rhs.len2(); } else { return sgn == 1; } } } bool isCrossed(ld lx, ld rx, ld ly, ld ry) { if (lx > rx) swap(lx, rx); if (ly > ry) swap(ly, ry); return sign(min(rx, ry) - max(lx, ly)) >= 0; } // if two segments [a, b] and [c, d] has AT LEAST one common point -> true bool isCrossed(Point &a, Point &b, Point &c, Point &d) { if (!isCrossed(a.x, b.x, c.x, d.x)) return false; if (!isCrossed(a.y, b.y, c.y, d.y)) return false; Vec v1, v2, v3; v1 = b - a; v2 = c - a; v3 = d - a; if (sign(v1 ^ v2) * sign(v1 ^ v3) == 1) return false; v1 = d - c; v2 = a - c; v3 = b - c; if (sign(v1 ^ v2) * sign(v1 ^ v3) == 1) return false; return true; } struct Line { ld a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; Line() = default; void norm() { // for half planes ld d = Vec(a, b).len(); assert(sign(d) > 0); a /= d; b /= d; c /= d; } Line(ld _a, ld _b, ld _c) : a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) { norm(); } Line(Point x, Point y) : a(y.y - x.y), b(x.x - y.x), c(x.y * y.x - x.x * y.y) { norm(); } ld eval(Point p) const { return a * p.x + b * p.y + c; } bool isIn(Point p) const { return sign(eval(p)) <= 0; } bool operator==(const Line &other) const { return sign(a * other.b - b * other.a) == 0 && sign(a * other.c - c * other.a) == 0 && sign(b * other.c - c * other.b) == 0; } }; ld dist(Line &l, Point &p) { return abs(l.eval(p) / Vec(l.a, l.b).len()); } /* x * l.a + y * l.b + l.c = 0 x * m.a + y * m.b + m.c = 0 y * (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) + (l.c * m.a - m.c * l.a) = 0 x * m.a + y * m.b + m.c = 0 y = (m.c * l.a - l.c * m.a) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) x * l.a + (m.c * l.a - l.c * m.a) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) * l.b + l.c = 0 x + (m.c * l.b - m.b * l.c) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) = 0 x = (m.b * l.c - m.c * l.b) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) */ bool cross(Line &l, Line &m, Point &I) { ld d = l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a; if (sign(d) == 0) { return false; } ld dx = m.b * l.c - m.c * l.b; ld dy = m.c * l.a - l.c * m.a; I = Point(dx / d, dy / d); return true; } int tangents(Point &o, ld r, Point &p, Point &I1, Point &I2) { ld len = (o - p).len(); int sgn = sign(len - r); if (sgn == -1) { return 0; } else if (sgn == 0) { I1 = p; return 1; } else { ld x = sq(r) / len; Vec v = (p - o).norm() * x; Point a = o + v; v = (p - o).norm().ort() * sqrt(sq(r) - sq(x)); I1 = a + v; I2 = a - v; return 2; } } void tangents(Point c, ld r1, ld r2, vector<Line> &ans) { ld r = r2 - r1; ld z = sq(c.x) + sq(c.y); ld d = z - sq(r); if (sign(d) == -1) return; d = sqrt(abs(d)); Line l; l.a = (c.x * r + c.y * d) / z; l.b = (c.y * r - c.x * d) / z; l.c = r1; ans.push_back(l); } vector<Line> tangents(Point o1, ld r1, Point o2, ld r2) { vector<Line> ans; for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) tangents(o2 - o1, r1 * i, r2 * j, ans); for (int i = 0; i < (int)ans.size(); ++i) ans[i].c -= ans[i].a * o1.x + ans[i].b * o1.y; return ans; } int cross(Point o1, ld r1, Point o2, ld r2, Point &I1, Point &I2) { if (r1 < r2) { swap(o1, o2); swap(r1, r2); } if (sign(r1 - r2) == 0 && o1 == o2) { return 3; } ld len = (o1 - o2).len(); if (sign(len - r1 - r2) == 1 || sign(r1 - len - r2) == 1) { return 0; } ld d = (sq(r1) - sq(r2) + sq(len)) / 2 / len; Vec v = (o2 - o1).norm(); Point a = o1 + v * d; if (sign(len - r1 - r2) == 0 || sign(len + r2 - r1) == 0) { I1 = a; return 1; } v = v.ort() * sqrt(sq(r1) - sq(d)); I1 = a + v; I2 = a - v; return 2; } int cross(Point &o, ld r, Line &l, Point &I1, Point &I2) { ld len = dist(l, o); int sgn = sign(len - r); if (sgn == 1) { return 0; } Vec v = Vec(l.a, l.b).norm() * len; if (sign(l.eval(o + v)) != 0) { v = Point() - v; } Point a = o + v; if (sgn == 0) { I1 = a; return 1; } v = Vec(-l.b, l.a).norm() * sqrt(sq(r) - sq(len)); I1 = a + v; I2 = a - v; return 2; } ld area(vector<Point> &p) { ld ans = 0; int n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ans += p[i] ^ p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; } return abs(ans) / 2; } ld perimeter(vector<Point> &p) { ld ans = 0; int n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ans += (p[i] - p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]).len(); } return ans; } bool isOnSegment(Point &a, Point &b, Point &x) { if (a == b) { return a == x; } return sign((b - a) ^ (x - a)) == 0 && sign((b - a) * (x - a)) >= 0 && sign((a - b) * (x - b)) >= 0; // optional (slower, but works better if there are some precision // problems) return sign((b - a).len() - (x - a).len() - (x - b).len()) // == 0; } bool isIn(vector<Point> &p, Point &a) { int n = p.size(); // depents on limitations Point b = a + Point(1e9, 1); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Point x = p[i]; Point y = p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; if (isOnSegment(x, y, a)) { // depends on the problem statement return true; } cnt += isCrossed(x, y, a, b); } return cnt % 2 == 1; /*optional (atan2 is VERY SLOW)! ld ans = 0; int n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Point x = p[i]; Point y = p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; if (isOnSegment(x, y, a)) { // depends on the problem statement return true; } x = x - a; y = y - a; ans += atan2(x ^ y, x * y); } return abs(ans) > 1;*/ } bool isCounterclockwise(vector<Point> &p) { int n = p.size(); int pos = min_element(all(p)) - p.begin(); return sign((p[pos + 1 < n ? pos + 1 : 0] - p[pos]) ^ (p[pos - 1 >= 0 ? pos - 1 : n - 1] - p[pos])) == 1; } bool isConvex(vector<Point> &p) { int n = p.size(); int sgn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int cur_sgn = sign((p[i - 1 >= 0 ? i - 1 : n - 1] - p[i]) ^ (p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0] - p[i])); if (sgn && sgn != cur_sgn) { return false; } sgn = cur_sgn; } return true; } bool isInTriangle(Point &a, Point &b, Point &c, Point &x) { return sign((b - a) ^ (x - a)) >= 0 && sign((c - b) ^ (x - b)) >= 0 && sign((a - c) ^ (x - c)) >= 0; } // points should be in the counterclockwise order bool isInConvex(vector<Point> &p, Point &a) { int n = p.size(); assert(n >= 3); // assert(isConvex(p)); // assert(isCounterclockwise(p)); if (sign((p[1] - p[0]) ^ (a - p[0])) < 0) return false; if (sign((p[n - 1] - p[0]) ^ (a - p[0])) > 0) return false; int pos = lower_bound(p.begin() + 2, p.end(), a, [&](Point lhs, Point rhs) -> bool { return sign((lhs - p[0]) ^ (rhs - p[0])) > 0; }) - p.begin(); assert(pos > 1 && pos < n); return isInTriangle(p[0], p[pos - 1], p[pos], a); } vector<Point> convexHull(vector<Point> p) { if (p.empty()) { return {}; } int n = p.size(); int pos = min_element(all(p)) - p.begin(); swap(p[0], p[pos]); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) p[i] = p[i] - p[0]; sort(p.begin() + 1, p.end(), [&](Point &lhs, Point &rhs) -> bool { int sgn = sign(lhs ^ rhs); if (!sgn) { return lhs.len2() < rhs.len2(); } return sgn == 1; }); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) p[i] = p[i] + p[0]; int top = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { while (top >= 2) { Vec v1 = p[top - 1] - p[top - 2]; Vec v2 = p[i] - p[top - 1]; if (sign(v1 ^ v2) == 1) break; --top; } p[top++] = p[i]; } p.resize(top); return p; } Vec getPoint(Line l) { return Vec(-l.b, l.a); } bool bad(Line a, Line b, Line c) { Point x; assert(cross(b, c, x) == 1); return a.eval(x) > 0; } // Do not forget about the bounding box vector<Point> hpi(vector<Line> lines) { sort(all(lines), [](Line al, Line bl) -> bool { Point a = getPoint(al); Point b = getPoint(bl); if (a.y >= 0 && b.y < 0) return 1; if (a.y < 0 && b.y >= 0) return 0; if (a.y == 0 && b.y == 0) return a.x > 0 && b.x < 0; return (a ^ b) > 0; }); vector<pair<Line, int>> st; for (int it = 0; it < 2; it++) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i++) { bool flag = false; while (!st.empty()) { if ((getPoint(st.back().first) - getPoint(lines[i])).len() < EPS) { if (lines[i].c <= st.back().first.c) { flag = true; break; } else { st.pop_back(); } } else if ((getPoint(st.back().first) ^ getPoint(lines[i])) < EPS / 2) { return {}; } else if (st.size() >= 2 && bad(st[st.size() - 2].first, st[st.size() - 1].first, lines[i])) { st.pop_back(); } else { break; } } if (!flag) st.push_back({lines[i], i}); } } vector<int> en(lines.size(), -1); vector<Point> ans; for (int i = 0; i < (int)st.size(); i++) { if (en[st[i].second] == -1) { en[st[i].second] = i; continue; } for (int j = en[st[i].second]; j < i; j++) { Point I; assert(cross(st[j].first, st[j + 1].first, I) == 1); ans.push_back(I); } break; } return ans; } bool isHpiEmpty(vector<Line> lines) { // return hpi(lines).empty(); // overflow/precision problems? shuffle(all(lines), rnd); const ld C = 1e9; Point ans(C, C); vector<Point> box = {{-C, -C}, {C, -C}, {C, C}, {-C, C}}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) lines.push_back({box[i], box[(i + 1) % 4]}); int n = lines.size(); for (int i = n - 4; i >= 0; --i) { if (lines[i].isIn(ans)) continue; Point up(0, C + 1), down(0, -C - 1), pi = getPoint(lines[i]); for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { if (lines[i] == lines[j]) continue; Point p, pj = getPoint(lines[j]); if (!cross(lines[i], lines[j], p)) { if (sign(pi * pj) != -1) continue; if (sign(lines[i].c + lines[j].c) * (!sign(pi.y) ? sign(pi.x) : -1) == -1) return true; } else { if ((!sign(pi.y) ? sign(pi.x) : sign(pi.y)) * (sign(pi ^ pj)) == 1) chkmin(up, p); else chkmax(down, p); } } if ((ans = up) < down) return true; } // for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // assert(lines[i].eval(ans) < EPS); // } return false; } ld diameter(vector<Point> p) { p = convexHull(p); int n = p.size(); if (n <= 1) { return 0; } if (n == 2) { return (p[0] - p[1]).len(); } ld ans = 0; int i = 0, j = 1; while (i < n) { while (sign((p[(i + 1) % n] - p[i]) ^ (p[(j + 1) % n] - p[j])) >= 0) { chkmax(ans, (p[i] - p[j]).len()); j = (j + 1) % n; } chkmax(ans, (p[i] - p[j]).len()); ++i; } return ans; } pair<int, int> tangents_alex(vector<Point> &p, Point &a) { int n = p.size(); int l = __lg(n); auto findWithSign = [&](int val) { int i = 0; for (int k = l; k >= 0; --k) { int i1 = (i - (1 << k) + n) % n; int i2 = (i + (1 << k)) % n; if (sign((p[i1] - a) ^ (p[i] - a)) == val) i = i1; if (sign((p[i2] - a) ^ (p[i] - a)) == val) i = i2; } return i; }; return {findWithSign(1), findWithSign(-1)}; } signed main() { cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); cout.precision(20), cout.setf(ios::fixed); // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 A - Площадь треугольника /*{ Point a, b, c; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y; cout << abs((b - a) ^ (c - a)) / 2 << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 B - Угол между векторами /*{ Vec a, b; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y; cout << abs(getAngle(a, b)) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 C - Точка в углу /*{ Point a, o, b, p; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> o.x >> o.y >> b.x >> b.y >> p.x >> p.y; a = a - o; b = b - o; if (sign(a ^ b) <= 0) { swap(a, b); } p = p - o; bool ok = true; if (sign(a ^ b) == 1) { ok = sign(a ^ p) >= 0 && sign(p ^ b) >= 0; } else { ok = !(sign(a ^ p) < 0 && sign(p ^ b) < 0); } if (ok) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 D - Пересечение отрезков /*{ Point a, b, c, d; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y >> d.x >> d.y; if (isCrossed(a, b, c, d)) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 E - Расстояние от точки // до прямой /*{ Point p; cin >> p.x >> p.y; Line l; cin >> l.a >> l.b >> l.c; cout << dist(l, p) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 F - Пересечение прямых /*{ Point a, b, c, d; Line l, m; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y >> d.x >> d.y; l = Line(a, b); m = Line(c, d); Point ans; if (cross(l, m, ans)) { cout << 1 << " " << ans.x << " " << ans.y << endl; } else if (l == m) { cout << 2 << endl; } else { cout << 0 << endl; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 G - Пусти козла в // огород~- 1 /*{ Point a, b, c; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y; auto calc = [](Vec lhs, Vec rhs) -> ld { ld sgn = sign(lhs ^ rhs); if (!sgn) { return 180; } if (sgn < 0) { swap(lhs, rhs); } return atan2(lhs ^ rhs, lhs * rhs) / (2 * PI) * 360; }; cout << max({calc(b - a, c - a), calc(c - b, a - b), calc(a - c, b - c)}) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 H - Биссектриса /*{ Point x, y, z; cin >> x.x >> x.y >> y.x >> y.y >> z.x >> z.y; y = (y - x).norm(); z = (z - x).norm(); Line l(x, x + y + z); cout << l.a << " " << l.b << " " << l.c << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 I - Пусти козла в огород // - 4 /*{ Point a, b, c; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y; Vec v1, v2; v1 = (b - a).norm(); v2 = (c - a).norm(); Line l(a, a + v1 + v2); v1 = (a - b).norm(); v2 = (c - b).norm(); Line m(b, b + v1 + v2); Point ans; if (cross(l, m, ans)) { cout << ans.x << " " << ans.y << endl; } else { assert(false); } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 A - Касательные к // окружности /*{ Point o, p; ld r; cin >> o.x >> o.y >> r >> p.x >> p.y; Point I1, I2; int ans = tangents(o, r, p, I1, I2); if (!ans) { cout << ans << endl; } else if (ans == 1) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << endl; } else if (ans == 2) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << "\n" << I2.x << " " << I2.y << endl; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 B - Пересекаем окружности /*{ int t; cin >> t; while (t--) { Point o1, o2; ld r1, r2; cin >> o1.x >> o1.y >> r1 >> o2.x >> o2.y >> r2; Point I1, I2; int ans = cross(o1, r1, o2, r2, I1, I2); if (!ans || ans == 3) { cout << ans << endl; } else if (ans == 1) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << endl; } else if (ans == 2) { Point fans = (I1 + I2) / 2; cout << ans << "\n" << fans.x << " " << fans.y << "\n" << (o1 - fans).len() << " " << (I1 - fans).len() << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << "\n" << I2.x << " " << I2.y << endl; } } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 C - Прямая и окружность /*{ Point o; ld r; Line l; cin >> o.x >> o.y >> r >> l.a >> l.b >> l.c; Point I1, I2; int ans = cross(o, r, l, I1, I2); if (!ans) { cout << ans << endl; } else if (ans == 1) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << endl; } else if (ans == 2) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << "\n" << I2.x << " " << I2.y << endl; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 D - Площадь // многоугольника /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } ld ans = area(p); cout << (ll)(ans) << (sign(ans - (ll)ans) == 1 ? ".5" : "") << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 E - Точка в // многоугольнике /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("point.out", "w", stdout); #endif int n; cin >> n; Point a; cin >> a.x >> a.y; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } if (isIn(p, a)) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 F - Выпукл ли // многоугольник /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } if (isConvex(p)) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 G - Теодор Рузвельт /*{ int n, m, k; cin >> n >> m >> k; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } assert(isConvex(p)); assert(isCounterclockwise(p)); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { Point a; cin >> a.x >> a.y; if (isInConvex(p, a)) { ++cnt; } } if (cnt >= k) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 B - Замок /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<vector<Point>> p(n); vector<ld> areas(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int k; cin >> k; p[i].resize(k); for (auto& [x, y] : p[i]) { cin >> x >> y; } areas[i] = area(p[i]); } vector<int> order(n); iota(all(order), 0); sort(all(order), [&](int lhs, int rhs) -> bool { return areas[lhs] < areas[rhs]; }); vector<bool> used(n); int q; cin >> q; for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) { Point a; cin >> a.x >> a.y; int L = -1, R = n; while (L < R - 1) { int M = (L + R) / 2; if (isInConvex(p[order[M]], a)) { R = M; } else { L = M; } } if (R < n) used[R] = true; } ld ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (used[i]) { ans += areas[order[i]] - (i > 0 ? areas[order[i - 1]] : 0); } } cout << ans << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 D - Выпуклая оболочка /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("hull.out", "w", stdout); #endif int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } p = convexHull(p); cout << p.size() << '\n'; for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cout << (ll)(round(x)) << " " << (ll)(round(y)) << '\n'; } ld ans = area(p); cout << (ll)(ans) << (sign(ans - (ll)ans) == 1 ? ".5" : "") << endl; }*/ // Stress tangents, fast point location /* { int N = 100000; int C = 1e9; int Q = 100; auto get = [&] (int l, int r) -> int { return (ull)rnd() % (r - l + 1) + l; }; auto stupidTangents = [&] (vector<Point>& p, Point& a) { auto cmp = [&](Point& lhs, Point& rhs) -> bool { return sign((lhs - a) ^ (rhs - a)) > 0; }; int posL = min_element(all(p), cmp) - p.begin(); int posR = max_element(all(p), cmp) - p.begin(); return mp(posL, posR); }; for (int test_id = 0; test_id < 1'000'000; ++test_id) { int n = get(1, N); vector<Point> p(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { p[i] = Point(get(-C, C), get(-C, C)); } p = convexHull(p); n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i) { Point a(-C, C); if (p.size() >= 3) { if(isInConvex(p, a) != isIn(p, a)) { cerr << "WA convex " << test_id << " " << i << endl; cerr << "n = " << n << endl; cerr << "p = " << endl; for (auto [x, y] : p) { cerr << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl; } cerr << "a = " << endl; cerr << "(" << a.x << " " << a.y << ")" << endl; cerr << "ans = " << isIn(p, a) << endl; cerr << "out = " << isInConvex(p, a) << endl; exit(1); } } if (isIn(p, a)) continue; auto ans = stupidTangents(p, a); auto out = tangents_alex(p, a); bool ok = true; if (sign((p[ans.first] - a) ^ (p[out.first] - a)) != 0) { ok = false; } else if (sign((p[ans.second] - a) ^ (p[out.second] - a)) != 0) { ok = false; } if (!ok) { cerr << "WA tangents " << test_id << " " << i << endl; cerr << "n = " << n << endl; cerr << "p = " << endl; for (auto [x, y] : p) { cerr << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl; } cerr << "a = " << endl; cerr << "(" << a.x << " " << a.y << ")" << endl; cerr << "ans = " << ans.first << " " << ans.second << endl; cerr << "out = " << out.first << " " << out.second << endl; exit(1); } } cerr << "OK " << test_id << endl; } } */ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия C - Сыр (Offlin + check // Online tangents) /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } p = convexHull(p); n = p.size(); int m; cin >> m; vector<Point> pIn(m); for (auto& [x, y] : pIn) { cin >> x >> y; } pIn = convexHull(pIn); m = pIn.size(); Point base = p[0]; auto cmp = [&](Point& lhs, Point& rhs) -> bool { return sign((lhs - base) ^ (rhs - base)) > 0; }; int posL = min_element(all(pIn), cmp) - pIn.begin(); int nxtL = 1; auto nxtV = [](int v, int n) -> int { return v + 1 < n ? v + 1 : 0; }; auto moveL = [&]() { while (cmp(pIn[nxtV(posL, m)], pIn[posL])) posL = nxtV(posL, m); assert(sign((pIn[posL] - base) ^ (pIn[tangents_alex(pIn, base).first] - base)) == 0); while (cmp(p[nxtV(nxtL, n)], pIn[posL])) nxtL = nxtV(nxtL, n); }; int posR = max_element(all(pIn), cmp) - pIn.begin(); int nxtR = 0; auto moveR = [&]() { while (cmp(pIn[posR], pIn[nxtV(posR, m)])) posR = nxtV(posR, m); assert(sign((pIn[posR] - base) ^ (pIn[tangents_alex(pIn, base).second] - base)) == 0); while (!cmp(pIn[posR], p[nxtR])) nxtR = nxtV(nxtR, n); }; vector<ll> prefArea(n); for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i) { prefArea[i] = abs(round((p[i - 1] - p[0]) ^ (p[i] - p[0]))); prefArea[i] += prefArea[i - 1]; } auto calcArea = [&](int l, int r) -> ll { ll fans; if (l <= r) { if (r - l < 2) return 0; fans = prefArea[r] - prefArea[l] - abs(round((p[l] - p[0]) ^ (p[r] - p[0]))); } else { fans = prefArea[n - 1] - prefArea[l] + prefArea[r] + abs(round((p[l] - p[0]) ^ (p[r] - p[0]))); } return fans; }; ll ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { base = p[i]; moveL(); moveR(); chkmax(ans, calcArea(i, nxtL)); chkmax(ans, calcArea(nxtR, i)); } cout << ans << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 E - Разрезание торта /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("cut.out", "w", stdout); #endif ld C = 1e3 + 228; int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } if (!isCounterclockwise(p)) { reverse(all(p)); } ld need = area(p) / 2; auto calc1 = [&](ld x) -> ld { vector<Point> has; Point D(x, -C); Point U(x, C); Line l(D, U); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (p[i].x < x) { has.push_back(p[i]); } Point cur = p[i]; Point nxt = p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; if (sign(cur.x - nxt.x) != 0) { if (!isCrossed(D, U, cur, nxt)) continue; Point I; assert(cross(l, Line(cur, nxt), I) == 1); has.push_back(I); } } return area(convexHull(has)); }; auto calc2 = [&](ld x) -> ld { Point D(x, -C); Point U(x, C); Line l(D, U); vector<Line> lines; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { lines.emplace_back(p[i], p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]); } lines.push_back(l); return area(hpi(lines)); }; ld L = -C, R = C; for (int it = 0; it < 60; ++it) { ld M = (L + R) / 2; assert(sign(calc1(M) - calc2(M)) == 0); if (calc1(M) < need) { L = M; } else { R = M; } } cout << R << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 H - Две самые далёкие // точки /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } cout << diameter(p) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 K - Стена /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("wall.out", "w", stdout); #endif int n, l; cin >> n >> l; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } ld ans = perimeter(convexHull(p)) + 2 * PI * l; cout << ans << endl; }*/ // Stress isHpiEmpty, hpi { int N = 10; int C = 10; auto get = [&](int l, int r) -> int { return (ull)rnd() % (r - l + 1) + l; }; auto getPoint = [&]() -> Point { return Point(get(-C, C), get(-C, C)); }; for (int test_id = 0;; ++test_id) { int n = get(1, N); vector<Line> lines(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Point a = getPoint(); Point b = getPoint(); while (a == b) { b = getPoint(); } lines[i] = {a, b}; } // cerr << "n = " << n << endl; // cerr << "lines = " << endl; // for (auto [a, b, c] : lines) { // cerr << "x * " << a << " + y * " << b << " + " << c << " = 0" // << endl; // } const ld C = 1e9; vector<Point> box = {{-C, -C}, {C, -C}, {C, C}, {-C, C}}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { lines.push_back({box[i], box[(i + 1) % 4]}); } bool ans = hpi(lines).empty(); lines.resize(n); bool out = isHpiEmpty(lines); if (ans == 0 && out == 1) { cerr << "WA isHpiEmpty " << test_id << endl; cerr << "n = " << n << endl; cerr << "lines = " << endl; for (auto [a, b, c] : lines) { cerr << "x * " << a << " + y * " << b << " + " << c << " = 0" << endl; } cerr << "ans = " << ans << endl; cerr << "out = " << out << endl; exit(1); } cerr << "OK " << test_id << " ans = " << ans << endl; } } // 2021-2022 ICPC NERC (NEERC), North-Western Russia Regional Contest // (Northern Subregionals) G /* { int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } int pos = min_element(all(p)) - p.begin(); rotate(p.begin(), p.begin() + pos, p.end()); vector<Point> v; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { v.push_back(p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0] - p[i]); } vector<int> fpos(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int pos = lower_bound(all(v), Point() - v[i], cmpHalf) - v.begin(); pos = pos % n; fpos[i] = pos; } auto check = [&](ld x) -> bool { vector<Line> lines; lines.reserve(2 * n); auto addLine = [&](int i, int j) { Vec v1 = (p[j] - p[i]) * (x / (x + 1)); Vec v2 = (p[j + 1 < n ? j + 1 : 0] - p[i]) * (x / (x + 1)); lines.push_back({p[i] + v1, p[i] + v2}); }; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int pos = fpos[i]; addLine(i, pos); addLine(pos, i); } return !isHpiEmpty(lines); }; ld L = 1, R = 2; for (int it = 0; it < 19; ++it) { ld M = sqrt(L * R); if (check(M)) { R = M; } else { L = M; } } cout << sqrt(L * R) << endl; } */ return 0; }
#line 1 "geometry/geometry.cpp" #ifdef LOCAL #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #endif #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = double; using ull = unsigned long long; #define pbc push_back #define mp make_pair #define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end() #define vin(a) \ for (auto &i : a) \ cin >> i // mt19937 rnd(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); mt19937 rnd(228); template <typename T1, typename T2> inline void chkmin(T1 &x, const T2 &y) { if (y < x) { x = y; } } template <typename T1, typename T2> inline void chkmax(T1 &x, const T2 &y) { if (x < y) { x = y; } } ld EPS = 1e-9; ld PI = acos(-1); int sign(ld x) { if (x > EPS) { return 1; } else if (x < -EPS) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } ld sq(ld x) { return x * x; } struct Point { ld x = 0, y = 0; Point() = default; Point(ld _x, ld _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {} Point operator-(const Point &other) const { return Point(x - other.x, y - other.y); } Point operator+(const Point &other) const { return Point(x + other.x, y + other.y); } Point operator*(const ld &a) const { return Point(x * a, y * a); } Point operator/(const ld &a) const { assert(sign(a) != 0); return Point(x / a, y / a); } ld operator^(const Point &other) const { return x * other.y - y * other.x; } ld operator*(const Point &other) const { return x * other.x + y * other.y; } Point ort() const { return Point(-y, x); } ld len2() const { return sq(x) + sq(y); } ld len() const { return sqrt(len2()); } int half() const { return sign(y) == 1 || (sign(y) == 0 && sign(x) >= 0); } bool operator<(const Point &other) const { if (sign(y - other.y) != 0) { return y < other.y; } else if (sign(x - other.x) != 0) { return x < other.x; } else { return false; } } bool operator==(Point &other) const { return sign(x - other.x) == 0 && sign(y - other.y) == 0; } Point norm() const { ld d = len(); // maybe change to if (d == 0) return Point(); assert(sign(d) == 1); return Point(x / d, y / d); } Point turn(ld sin, ld cos) const { return Point(x * cos - y * sin, x * sin + y * cos); } Point turn(ld phi) const { return turn(sin(phi), cos(phi)); } }; #define Vec Point ld getAngle(Vec &lhs, Vec &rhs) { return atan2(lhs ^ rhs, lhs * rhs); } bool cmpHalf(const Vec &lhs, const Vec &rhs) { if (lhs.half() != rhs.half()) { return lhs.half(); } else { int sgn = sign(lhs ^ rhs); if (!sgn) { return lhs.len2() < rhs.len2(); } else { return sgn == 1; } } } bool isCrossed(ld lx, ld rx, ld ly, ld ry) { if (lx > rx) swap(lx, rx); if (ly > ry) swap(ly, ry); return sign(min(rx, ry) - max(lx, ly)) >= 0; } // if two segments [a, b] and [c, d] has AT LEAST one common point -> true bool isCrossed(Point &a, Point &b, Point &c, Point &d) { if (!isCrossed(a.x, b.x, c.x, d.x)) return false; if (!isCrossed(a.y, b.y, c.y, d.y)) return false; Vec v1, v2, v3; v1 = b - a; v2 = c - a; v3 = d - a; if (sign(v1 ^ v2) * sign(v1 ^ v3) == 1) return false; v1 = d - c; v2 = a - c; v3 = b - c; if (sign(v1 ^ v2) * sign(v1 ^ v3) == 1) return false; return true; } struct Line { ld a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; Line() = default; void norm() { // for half planes ld d = Vec(a, b).len(); assert(sign(d) > 0); a /= d; b /= d; c /= d; } Line(ld _a, ld _b, ld _c) : a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) { norm(); } Line(Point x, Point y) : a(y.y - x.y), b(x.x - y.x), c(x.y * y.x - x.x * y.y) { norm(); } ld eval(Point p) const { return a * p.x + b * p.y + c; } bool isIn(Point p) const { return sign(eval(p)) <= 0; } bool operator==(const Line &other) const { return sign(a * other.b - b * other.a) == 0 && sign(a * other.c - c * other.a) == 0 && sign(b * other.c - c * other.b) == 0; } }; ld dist(Line &l, Point &p) { return abs(l.eval(p) / Vec(l.a, l.b).len()); } /* x * l.a + y * l.b + l.c = 0 x * m.a + y * m.b + m.c = 0 y * (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) + (l.c * m.a - m.c * l.a) = 0 x * m.a + y * m.b + m.c = 0 y = (m.c * l.a - l.c * m.a) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) x * l.a + (m.c * l.a - l.c * m.a) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) * l.b + l.c = 0 x + (m.c * l.b - m.b * l.c) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) = 0 x = (m.b * l.c - m.c * l.b) / (l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a) */ bool cross(Line &l, Line &m, Point &I) { ld d = l.b * m.a - m.b * l.a; if (sign(d) == 0) { return false; } ld dx = m.b * l.c - m.c * l.b; ld dy = m.c * l.a - l.c * m.a; I = Point(dx / d, dy / d); return true; } int tangents(Point &o, ld r, Point &p, Point &I1, Point &I2) { ld len = (o - p).len(); int sgn = sign(len - r); if (sgn == -1) { return 0; } else if (sgn == 0) { I1 = p; return 1; } else { ld x = sq(r) / len; Vec v = (p - o).norm() * x; Point a = o + v; v = (p - o).norm().ort() * sqrt(sq(r) - sq(x)); I1 = a + v; I2 = a - v; return 2; } } void tangents(Point c, ld r1, ld r2, vector<Line> &ans) { ld r = r2 - r1; ld z = sq(c.x) + sq(c.y); ld d = z - sq(r); if (sign(d) == -1) return; d = sqrt(abs(d)); Line l; l.a = (c.x * r + c.y * d) / z; l.b = (c.y * r - c.x * d) / z; l.c = r1; ans.push_back(l); } vector<Line> tangents(Point o1, ld r1, Point o2, ld r2) { vector<Line> ans; for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) tangents(o2 - o1, r1 * i, r2 * j, ans); for (int i = 0; i < (int)ans.size(); ++i) ans[i].c -= ans[i].a * o1.x + ans[i].b * o1.y; return ans; } int cross(Point o1, ld r1, Point o2, ld r2, Point &I1, Point &I2) { if (r1 < r2) { swap(o1, o2); swap(r1, r2); } if (sign(r1 - r2) == 0 && o1 == o2) { return 3; } ld len = (o1 - o2).len(); if (sign(len - r1 - r2) == 1 || sign(r1 - len - r2) == 1) { return 0; } ld d = (sq(r1) - sq(r2) + sq(len)) / 2 / len; Vec v = (o2 - o1).norm(); Point a = o1 + v * d; if (sign(len - r1 - r2) == 0 || sign(len + r2 - r1) == 0) { I1 = a; return 1; } v = v.ort() * sqrt(sq(r1) - sq(d)); I1 = a + v; I2 = a - v; return 2; } int cross(Point &o, ld r, Line &l, Point &I1, Point &I2) { ld len = dist(l, o); int sgn = sign(len - r); if (sgn == 1) { return 0; } Vec v = Vec(l.a, l.b).norm() * len; if (sign(l.eval(o + v)) != 0) { v = Point() - v; } Point a = o + v; if (sgn == 0) { I1 = a; return 1; } v = Vec(-l.b, l.a).norm() * sqrt(sq(r) - sq(len)); I1 = a + v; I2 = a - v; return 2; } ld area(vector<Point> &p) { ld ans = 0; int n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ans += p[i] ^ p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; } return abs(ans) / 2; } ld perimeter(vector<Point> &p) { ld ans = 0; int n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ans += (p[i] - p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]).len(); } return ans; } bool isOnSegment(Point &a, Point &b, Point &x) { if (a == b) { return a == x; } return sign((b - a) ^ (x - a)) == 0 && sign((b - a) * (x - a)) >= 0 && sign((a - b) * (x - b)) >= 0; // optional (slower, but works better if there are some precision // problems) return sign((b - a).len() - (x - a).len() - (x - b).len()) // == 0; } bool isIn(vector<Point> &p, Point &a) { int n = p.size(); // depents on limitations Point b = a + Point(1e9, 1); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Point x = p[i]; Point y = p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; if (isOnSegment(x, y, a)) { // depends on the problem statement return true; } cnt += isCrossed(x, y, a, b); } return cnt % 2 == 1; /*optional (atan2 is VERY SLOW)! ld ans = 0; int n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Point x = p[i]; Point y = p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; if (isOnSegment(x, y, a)) { // depends on the problem statement return true; } x = x - a; y = y - a; ans += atan2(x ^ y, x * y); } return abs(ans) > 1;*/ } bool isCounterclockwise(vector<Point> &p) { int n = p.size(); int pos = min_element(all(p)) - p.begin(); return sign((p[pos + 1 < n ? pos + 1 : 0] - p[pos]) ^ (p[pos - 1 >= 0 ? pos - 1 : n - 1] - p[pos])) == 1; } bool isConvex(vector<Point> &p) { int n = p.size(); int sgn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int cur_sgn = sign((p[i - 1 >= 0 ? i - 1 : n - 1] - p[i]) ^ (p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0] - p[i])); if (sgn && sgn != cur_sgn) { return false; } sgn = cur_sgn; } return true; } bool isInTriangle(Point &a, Point &b, Point &c, Point &x) { return sign((b - a) ^ (x - a)) >= 0 && sign((c - b) ^ (x - b)) >= 0 && sign((a - c) ^ (x - c)) >= 0; } // points should be in the counterclockwise order bool isInConvex(vector<Point> &p, Point &a) { int n = p.size(); assert(n >= 3); // assert(isConvex(p)); // assert(isCounterclockwise(p)); if (sign((p[1] - p[0]) ^ (a - p[0])) < 0) return false; if (sign((p[n - 1] - p[0]) ^ (a - p[0])) > 0) return false; int pos = lower_bound(p.begin() + 2, p.end(), a, [&](Point lhs, Point rhs) -> bool { return sign((lhs - p[0]) ^ (rhs - p[0])) > 0; }) - p.begin(); assert(pos > 1 && pos < n); return isInTriangle(p[0], p[pos - 1], p[pos], a); } vector<Point> convexHull(vector<Point> p) { if (p.empty()) { return {}; } int n = p.size(); int pos = min_element(all(p)) - p.begin(); swap(p[0], p[pos]); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) p[i] = p[i] - p[0]; sort(p.begin() + 1, p.end(), [&](Point &lhs, Point &rhs) -> bool { int sgn = sign(lhs ^ rhs); if (!sgn) { return lhs.len2() < rhs.len2(); } return sgn == 1; }); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) p[i] = p[i] + p[0]; int top = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { while (top >= 2) { Vec v1 = p[top - 1] - p[top - 2]; Vec v2 = p[i] - p[top - 1]; if (sign(v1 ^ v2) == 1) break; --top; } p[top++] = p[i]; } p.resize(top); return p; } Vec getPoint(Line l) { return Vec(-l.b, l.a); } bool bad(Line a, Line b, Line c) { Point x; assert(cross(b, c, x) == 1); return a.eval(x) > 0; } // Do not forget about the bounding box vector<Point> hpi(vector<Line> lines) { sort(all(lines), [](Line al, Line bl) -> bool { Point a = getPoint(al); Point b = getPoint(bl); if (a.y >= 0 && b.y < 0) return 1; if (a.y < 0 && b.y >= 0) return 0; if (a.y == 0 && b.y == 0) return a.x > 0 && b.x < 0; return (a ^ b) > 0; }); vector<pair<Line, int>> st; for (int it = 0; it < 2; it++) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i++) { bool flag = false; while (!st.empty()) { if ((getPoint(st.back().first) - getPoint(lines[i])).len() < EPS) { if (lines[i].c <= st.back().first.c) { flag = true; break; } else { st.pop_back(); } } else if ((getPoint(st.back().first) ^ getPoint(lines[i])) < EPS / 2) { return {}; } else if (st.size() >= 2 && bad(st[st.size() - 2].first, st[st.size() - 1].first, lines[i])) { st.pop_back(); } else { break; } } if (!flag) st.push_back({lines[i], i}); } } vector<int> en(lines.size(), -1); vector<Point> ans; for (int i = 0; i < (int)st.size(); i++) { if (en[st[i].second] == -1) { en[st[i].second] = i; continue; } for (int j = en[st[i].second]; j < i; j++) { Point I; assert(cross(st[j].first, st[j + 1].first, I) == 1); ans.push_back(I); } break; } return ans; } bool isHpiEmpty(vector<Line> lines) { // return hpi(lines).empty(); // overflow/precision problems? shuffle(all(lines), rnd); const ld C = 1e9; Point ans(C, C); vector<Point> box = {{-C, -C}, {C, -C}, {C, C}, {-C, C}}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) lines.push_back({box[i], box[(i + 1) % 4]}); int n = lines.size(); for (int i = n - 4; i >= 0; --i) { if (lines[i].isIn(ans)) continue; Point up(0, C + 1), down(0, -C - 1), pi = getPoint(lines[i]); for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { if (lines[i] == lines[j]) continue; Point p, pj = getPoint(lines[j]); if (!cross(lines[i], lines[j], p)) { if (sign(pi * pj) != -1) continue; if (sign(lines[i].c + lines[j].c) * (!sign(pi.y) ? sign(pi.x) : -1) == -1) return true; } else { if ((!sign(pi.y) ? sign(pi.x) : sign(pi.y)) * (sign(pi ^ pj)) == 1) chkmin(up, p); else chkmax(down, p); } } if ((ans = up) < down) return true; } // for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // assert(lines[i].eval(ans) < EPS); // } return false; } ld diameter(vector<Point> p) { p = convexHull(p); int n = p.size(); if (n <= 1) { return 0; } if (n == 2) { return (p[0] - p[1]).len(); } ld ans = 0; int i = 0, j = 1; while (i < n) { while (sign((p[(i + 1) % n] - p[i]) ^ (p[(j + 1) % n] - p[j])) >= 0) { chkmax(ans, (p[i] - p[j]).len()); j = (j + 1) % n; } chkmax(ans, (p[i] - p[j]).len()); ++i; } return ans; } pair<int, int> tangents_alex(vector<Point> &p, Point &a) { int n = p.size(); int l = __lg(n); auto findWithSign = [&](int val) { int i = 0; for (int k = l; k >= 0; --k) { int i1 = (i - (1 << k) + n) % n; int i2 = (i + (1 << k)) % n; if (sign((p[i1] - a) ^ (p[i] - a)) == val) i = i1; if (sign((p[i2] - a) ^ (p[i] - a)) == val) i = i2; } return i; }; return {findWithSign(1), findWithSign(-1)}; } signed main() { cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); cout.precision(20), cout.setf(ios::fixed); // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 A - Площадь треугольника /*{ Point a, b, c; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y; cout << abs((b - a) ^ (c - a)) / 2 << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 B - Угол между векторами /*{ Vec a, b; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y; cout << abs(getAngle(a, b)) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 C - Точка в углу /*{ Point a, o, b, p; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> o.x >> o.y >> b.x >> b.y >> p.x >> p.y; a = a - o; b = b - o; if (sign(a ^ b) <= 0) { swap(a, b); } p = p - o; bool ok = true; if (sign(a ^ b) == 1) { ok = sign(a ^ p) >= 0 && sign(p ^ b) >= 0; } else { ok = !(sign(a ^ p) < 0 && sign(p ^ b) < 0); } if (ok) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 D - Пересечение отрезков /*{ Point a, b, c, d; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y >> d.x >> d.y; if (isCrossed(a, b, c, d)) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 E - Расстояние от точки // до прямой /*{ Point p; cin >> p.x >> p.y; Line l; cin >> l.a >> l.b >> l.c; cout << dist(l, p) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 F - Пересечение прямых /*{ Point a, b, c, d; Line l, m; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y >> d.x >> d.y; l = Line(a, b); m = Line(c, d); Point ans; if (cross(l, m, ans)) { cout << 1 << " " << ans.x << " " << ans.y << endl; } else if (l == m) { cout << 2 << endl; } else { cout << 0 << endl; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 G - Пусти козла в // огород~- 1 /*{ Point a, b, c; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y; auto calc = [](Vec lhs, Vec rhs) -> ld { ld sgn = sign(lhs ^ rhs); if (!sgn) { return 180; } if (sgn < 0) { swap(lhs, rhs); } return atan2(lhs ^ rhs, lhs * rhs) / (2 * PI) * 360; }; cout << max({calc(b - a, c - a), calc(c - b, a - b), calc(a - c, b - c)}) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 H - Биссектриса /*{ Point x, y, z; cin >> x.x >> x.y >> y.x >> y.y >> z.x >> z.y; y = (y - x).norm(); z = (z - x).norm(); Line l(x, x + y + z); cout << l.a << " " << l.b << " " << l.c << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 1 I - Пусти козла в огород // - 4 /*{ Point a, b, c; cin >> a.x >> a.y >> b.x >> b.y >> c.x >> c.y; Vec v1, v2; v1 = (b - a).norm(); v2 = (c - a).norm(); Line l(a, a + v1 + v2); v1 = (a - b).norm(); v2 = (c - b).norm(); Line m(b, b + v1 + v2); Point ans; if (cross(l, m, ans)) { cout << ans.x << " " << ans.y << endl; } else { assert(false); } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 A - Касательные к // окружности /*{ Point o, p; ld r; cin >> o.x >> o.y >> r >> p.x >> p.y; Point I1, I2; int ans = tangents(o, r, p, I1, I2); if (!ans) { cout << ans << endl; } else if (ans == 1) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << endl; } else if (ans == 2) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << "\n" << I2.x << " " << I2.y << endl; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 B - Пересекаем окружности /*{ int t; cin >> t; while (t--) { Point o1, o2; ld r1, r2; cin >> o1.x >> o1.y >> r1 >> o2.x >> o2.y >> r2; Point I1, I2; int ans = cross(o1, r1, o2, r2, I1, I2); if (!ans || ans == 3) { cout << ans << endl; } else if (ans == 1) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << endl; } else if (ans == 2) { Point fans = (I1 + I2) / 2; cout << ans << "\n" << fans.x << " " << fans.y << "\n" << (o1 - fans).len() << " " << (I1 - fans).len() << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << "\n" << I2.x << " " << I2.y << endl; } } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 C - Прямая и окружность /*{ Point o; ld r; Line l; cin >> o.x >> o.y >> r >> l.a >> l.b >> l.c; Point I1, I2; int ans = cross(o, r, l, I1, I2); if (!ans) { cout << ans << endl; } else if (ans == 1) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << endl; } else if (ans == 2) { cout << ans << "\n" << I1.x << " " << I1.y << "\n" << I2.x << " " << I2.y << endl; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 D - Площадь // многоугольника /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } ld ans = area(p); cout << (ll)(ans) << (sign(ans - (ll)ans) == 1 ? ".5" : "") << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 E - Точка в // многоугольнике /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("point.out", "w", stdout); #endif int n; cin >> n; Point a; cin >> a.x >> a.y; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } if (isIn(p, a)) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 F - Выпукл ли // многоугольник /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } if (isConvex(p)) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. C. Геометрия 2 G - Теодор Рузвельт /*{ int n, m, k; cin >> n >> m >> k; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } assert(isConvex(p)); assert(isCounterclockwise(p)); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { Point a; cin >> a.x >> a.y; if (isInConvex(p, a)) { ++cnt; } } if (cnt >= k) { cout << "YES\n"; } else { cout << "NO\n"; } }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 B - Замок /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<vector<Point>> p(n); vector<ld> areas(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int k; cin >> k; p[i].resize(k); for (auto& [x, y] : p[i]) { cin >> x >> y; } areas[i] = area(p[i]); } vector<int> order(n); iota(all(order), 0); sort(all(order), [&](int lhs, int rhs) -> bool { return areas[lhs] < areas[rhs]; }); vector<bool> used(n); int q; cin >> q; for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) { Point a; cin >> a.x >> a.y; int L = -1, R = n; while (L < R - 1) { int M = (L + R) / 2; if (isInConvex(p[order[M]], a)) { R = M; } else { L = M; } } if (R < n) used[R] = true; } ld ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (used[i]) { ans += areas[order[i]] - (i > 0 ? areas[order[i - 1]] : 0); } } cout << ans << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 D - Выпуклая оболочка /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("hull.out", "w", stdout); #endif int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } p = convexHull(p); cout << p.size() << '\n'; for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cout << (ll)(round(x)) << " " << (ll)(round(y)) << '\n'; } ld ans = area(p); cout << (ll)(ans) << (sign(ans - (ll)ans) == 1 ? ".5" : "") << endl; }*/ // Stress tangents, fast point location /* { int N = 100000; int C = 1e9; int Q = 100; auto get = [&] (int l, int r) -> int { return (ull)rnd() % (r - l + 1) + l; }; auto stupidTangents = [&] (vector<Point>& p, Point& a) { auto cmp = [&](Point& lhs, Point& rhs) -> bool { return sign((lhs - a) ^ (rhs - a)) > 0; }; int posL = min_element(all(p), cmp) - p.begin(); int posR = max_element(all(p), cmp) - p.begin(); return mp(posL, posR); }; for (int test_id = 0; test_id < 1'000'000; ++test_id) { int n = get(1, N); vector<Point> p(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { p[i] = Point(get(-C, C), get(-C, C)); } p = convexHull(p); n = p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i) { Point a(-C, C); if (p.size() >= 3) { if(isInConvex(p, a) != isIn(p, a)) { cerr << "WA convex " << test_id << " " << i << endl; cerr << "n = " << n << endl; cerr << "p = " << endl; for (auto [x, y] : p) { cerr << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl; } cerr << "a = " << endl; cerr << "(" << a.x << " " << a.y << ")" << endl; cerr << "ans = " << isIn(p, a) << endl; cerr << "out = " << isInConvex(p, a) << endl; exit(1); } } if (isIn(p, a)) continue; auto ans = stupidTangents(p, a); auto out = tangents_alex(p, a); bool ok = true; if (sign((p[ans.first] - a) ^ (p[out.first] - a)) != 0) { ok = false; } else if (sign((p[ans.second] - a) ^ (p[out.second] - a)) != 0) { ok = false; } if (!ok) { cerr << "WA tangents " << test_id << " " << i << endl; cerr << "n = " << n << endl; cerr << "p = " << endl; for (auto [x, y] : p) { cerr << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl; } cerr << "a = " << endl; cerr << "(" << a.x << " " << a.y << ")" << endl; cerr << "ans = " << ans.first << " " << ans.second << endl; cerr << "out = " << out.first << " " << out.second << endl; exit(1); } } cerr << "OK " << test_id << endl; } } */ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия C - Сыр (Offlin + check // Online tangents) /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } p = convexHull(p); n = p.size(); int m; cin >> m; vector<Point> pIn(m); for (auto& [x, y] : pIn) { cin >> x >> y; } pIn = convexHull(pIn); m = pIn.size(); Point base = p[0]; auto cmp = [&](Point& lhs, Point& rhs) -> bool { return sign((lhs - base) ^ (rhs - base)) > 0; }; int posL = min_element(all(pIn), cmp) - pIn.begin(); int nxtL = 1; auto nxtV = [](int v, int n) -> int { return v + 1 < n ? v + 1 : 0; }; auto moveL = [&]() { while (cmp(pIn[nxtV(posL, m)], pIn[posL])) posL = nxtV(posL, m); assert(sign((pIn[posL] - base) ^ (pIn[tangents_alex(pIn, base).first] - base)) == 0); while (cmp(p[nxtV(nxtL, n)], pIn[posL])) nxtL = nxtV(nxtL, n); }; int posR = max_element(all(pIn), cmp) - pIn.begin(); int nxtR = 0; auto moveR = [&]() { while (cmp(pIn[posR], pIn[nxtV(posR, m)])) posR = nxtV(posR, m); assert(sign((pIn[posR] - base) ^ (pIn[tangents_alex(pIn, base).second] - base)) == 0); while (!cmp(pIn[posR], p[nxtR])) nxtR = nxtV(nxtR, n); }; vector<ll> prefArea(n); for (int i = 2; i < n; ++i) { prefArea[i] = abs(round((p[i - 1] - p[0]) ^ (p[i] - p[0]))); prefArea[i] += prefArea[i - 1]; } auto calcArea = [&](int l, int r) -> ll { ll fans; if (l <= r) { if (r - l < 2) return 0; fans = prefArea[r] - prefArea[l] - abs(round((p[l] - p[0]) ^ (p[r] - p[0]))); } else { fans = prefArea[n - 1] - prefArea[l] + prefArea[r] + abs(round((p[l] - p[0]) ^ (p[r] - p[0]))); } return fans; }; ll ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { base = p[i]; moveL(); moveR(); chkmax(ans, calcArea(i, nxtL)); chkmax(ans, calcArea(nxtR, i)); } cout << ans << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 E - Разрезание торта /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("cut.out", "w", stdout); #endif ld C = 1e3 + 228; int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } if (!isCounterclockwise(p)) { reverse(all(p)); } ld need = area(p) / 2; auto calc1 = [&](ld x) -> ld { vector<Point> has; Point D(x, -C); Point U(x, C); Line l(D, U); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (p[i].x < x) { has.push_back(p[i]); } Point cur = p[i]; Point nxt = p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]; if (sign(cur.x - nxt.x) != 0) { if (!isCrossed(D, U, cur, nxt)) continue; Point I; assert(cross(l, Line(cur, nxt), I) == 1); has.push_back(I); } } return area(convexHull(has)); }; auto calc2 = [&](ld x) -> ld { Point D(x, -C); Point U(x, C); Line l(D, U); vector<Line> lines; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { lines.emplace_back(p[i], p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0]); } lines.push_back(l); return area(hpi(lines)); }; ld L = -C, R = C; for (int it = 0; it < 60; ++it) { ld M = (L + R) / 2; assert(sign(calc1(M) - calc2(M)) == 0); if (calc1(M) < need) { L = M; } else { R = M; } } cout << R << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 H - Две самые далёкие // точки /*{ int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } cout << diameter(p) << endl; }*/ // Tinkoff Generation 2021-2022. B'. Геометрия 2 K - Стена /*{ #ifndef LOCAL freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("wall.out", "w", stdout); #endif int n, l; cin >> n >> l; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } ld ans = perimeter(convexHull(p)) + 2 * PI * l; cout << ans << endl; }*/ // Stress isHpiEmpty, hpi { int N = 10; int C = 10; auto get = [&](int l, int r) -> int { return (ull)rnd() % (r - l + 1) + l; }; auto getPoint = [&]() -> Point { return Point(get(-C, C), get(-C, C)); }; for (int test_id = 0;; ++test_id) { int n = get(1, N); vector<Line> lines(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Point a = getPoint(); Point b = getPoint(); while (a == b) { b = getPoint(); } lines[i] = {a, b}; } // cerr << "n = " << n << endl; // cerr << "lines = " << endl; // for (auto [a, b, c] : lines) { // cerr << "x * " << a << " + y * " << b << " + " << c << " = 0" // << endl; // } const ld C = 1e9; vector<Point> box = {{-C, -C}, {C, -C}, {C, C}, {-C, C}}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { lines.push_back({box[i], box[(i + 1) % 4]}); } bool ans = hpi(lines).empty(); lines.resize(n); bool out = isHpiEmpty(lines); if (ans == 0 && out == 1) { cerr << "WA isHpiEmpty " << test_id << endl; cerr << "n = " << n << endl; cerr << "lines = " << endl; for (auto [a, b, c] : lines) { cerr << "x * " << a << " + y * " << b << " + " << c << " = 0" << endl; } cerr << "ans = " << ans << endl; cerr << "out = " << out << endl; exit(1); } cerr << "OK " << test_id << " ans = " << ans << endl; } } // 2021-2022 ICPC NERC (NEERC), North-Western Russia Regional Contest // (Northern Subregionals) G /* { int n; cin >> n; vector<Point> p(n); for (auto& [x, y] : p) { cin >> x >> y; } int pos = min_element(all(p)) - p.begin(); rotate(p.begin(), p.begin() + pos, p.end()); vector<Point> v; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { v.push_back(p[i + 1 < n ? i + 1 : 0] - p[i]); } vector<int> fpos(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int pos = lower_bound(all(v), Point() - v[i], cmpHalf) - v.begin(); pos = pos % n; fpos[i] = pos; } auto check = [&](ld x) -> bool { vector<Line> lines; lines.reserve(2 * n); auto addLine = [&](int i, int j) { Vec v1 = (p[j] - p[i]) * (x / (x + 1)); Vec v2 = (p[j + 1 < n ? j + 1 : 0] - p[i]) * (x / (x + 1)); lines.push_back({p[i] + v1, p[i] + v2}); }; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int pos = fpos[i]; addLine(i, pos); addLine(pos, i); } return !isHpiEmpty(lines); }; ld L = 1, R = 2; for (int it = 0; it < 19; ++it) { ld M = sqrt(L * R); if (check(M)) { R = M; } else { L = M; } } cout << sqrt(L * R) << endl; } */ return 0; }