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:warning: math/GoncharFedor.cpp


 * Author: Iurii Pustovalov (stole from Red Panda teambook)
 * Date: 2022-11-08
 * Description: Calculating number of points $x,y\geq 0, Ax + By \leq C$
 * Time: O(\log(C))
ll solve_triangle(ll A, ll B, ll C) { // x,y >=0, Ax+By<=C
    if (C < 0)
        return 0;
    if (A > B)
        swap(A, B);
    ll p = C / B;
    ll k = B / A;
    ll d = (C - p * B) / A;
    return solve_triangle(B - k * A, A, C - A * (k * p + d + 1)) +
           (p + 1) * (d + 1) + k * p * (p + 1) / 2;
#line 1 "math/GoncharFedor.cpp"
 * Author: Iurii Pustovalov (stole from Red Panda teambook)
 * Date: 2022-11-08
 * Description: Calculating number of points $x,y\geq 0, Ax + By \leq C$
 * Time: O(\log(C))
ll solve_triangle(ll A, ll B, ll C) { // x,y >=0, Ax+By<=C
    if (C < 0)
        return 0;
    if (A > B)
        swap(A, B);
    ll p = C / B;
    ll k = B / A;
    ll d = (C - p * B) / A;
    return solve_triangle(B - k * A, A, C - A * (k * p + d + 1)) +
           (p + 1) * (d + 1) + k * p * (p + 1) / 2;
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