
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

View the Project on GitHub AlexanderNekrasov/Youthful-Passion-Fruit-teambook

:warning: tex/


#!/usr/bin/env python2
# encoding: utf-8

# Source code preprocessor for KACTL build process. Compatible with both Python 2 and 3;
# currently 2 is used because it has better startup overhead (5% faster builds).
# License: CC0

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import getopt
import subprocess

def escape(input):
    input = input.replace('<', r'\ensuremath{<}')
    input = input.replace('>', r'\ensuremath{>}')
    return input

def pathescape(input):
    input = input.replace('\\', r'\\')
    input = input.replace('_', r'\_')
    input = escape(input)
    return input

def codeescape(input):
    input = input.replace('_', r'\_')
    input = input.replace('\n', '\\\\\n')
    input = input.replace('{', r'\{')
    input = input.replace('}', r'\}')
    input = input.replace('^', r'\ensuremath{\hat{\;}}')
    input = escape(input)
    return input

def ordoescape(input, esc=True):
    if esc:
        input = escape(input)
    start = input.find("O(")
    if start >= 0:
        bracketcount = 1
        end = start+1
        while end+1<len(input) and bracketcount>0:
            end = end + 1
            if input[end] == '(':
                bracketcount = bracketcount + 1
            elif input[end] == ')':
                bracketcount = bracketcount - 1
        if bracketcount == 0:
            return r"%s\bigo{%s}%s" % (input[:start], input[start+2:end], ordoescape(input[end+1:], False))
    return input

def addref(caption, outstream):
    caption = pathescape(caption).strip()
    print(r"\kactlref{%s}" % caption, file=outstream)
    with open('header.tmp', 'a') as f:
        f.write(caption + "\n")

    ('/**', '*/'),
    ("'''", "'''"),
    ('"""', '"""'),

def find_start_comment(source, start=None):
    first = (-1, -1, None)
    for s, e in COMMENT_TYPES:
        i = source.find(s, start)
        if i != -1 and (i < first[0] or first[0] == -1):
            first = (i, i + len(s), e)

    return first

def processwithcomments(caption, instream, outstream, listingslang):
    knowncommands = ['Author', 'Date', 'Description', 'Source', 'Time', 'Memory', 'License', 'Status', 'Usage', 'Details']
    requiredcommands = ['Author', 'Description']
    includelist = []
    error = ""
    warning = ""
    # Read lines from source file
        lines = instream.readlines()
        error = "Could not read source."
    nlines = list()
    for line in lines:
        if 'exclude-line' in line:
        if 'include-line' in line:
            line = line.replace('// ', '', 1)
        had_comment = "///" in line
        keep_include = 'keep-include' in line
        # Remove /// comments
        line = line.split("///")[0].rstrip()
        # Remove '#pragma once' lines
        if line == "#pragma once":
        if had_comment and not line:
        # Check includes
        include = parse_include(line)
        if include is not None and not keep_include:
    # Remove and process multiline comments
    source = '\n'.join(nlines)
    nsource = ''
    start, start2, end_str = find_start_comment(source)
    end = 0
    commands = {}
    while start >= 0 and not error:
        nsource = nsource.rstrip() + source[end:start]
        end = source.find(end_str, start2)
        if end<start:
            error = "Invalid %s %s comments." % (source[start:start2], end_str)
        comment = source[start2:end].strip()
        end += len(end_str)
        start, start2, end_str = find_start_comment(source, end)

        commentlines = comment.split('\n')
        command = None
        value = ""
        for cline in commentlines:
            allow_command = False
            cline = cline.strip()
            if cline.startswith('*'):
                cline = cline[1:].strip()
                allow_command = True
            ind = cline.find(':')
            if allow_command and ind != -1 and ' ' not in cline[:ind] and cline[0].isalpha() and cline[0].isupper():
                if command:
                    if command not in knowncommands:
                        error = error + "Unknown command: " + command + ". "
                    commands[command] = value.lstrip()
                command = cline[:ind]
                value = cline[ind+1:].strip()
                value = value + '\n' + cline
        if command:
            if command not in knowncommands:
                error = error + "Unknown command: " + command + ". "
            commands[command] = value.lstrip()
    for rcommand in sorted(set(requiredcommands) - set(commands)):
        error = error + "Missing command: " + rcommand + ". "
    if end>=0:
        nsource = nsource.rstrip() + source[end:]
    nsource = nsource.strip()

    if listingslang in ['C++', 'Java']:
        hash_script = 'hash'
        p = subprocess.Popen(['sh', 'content/contest/' % hash_script], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        hsh, _ = p.communicate(nsource)
        hsh = hsh.split(None, 1)[0]
        hsh = hsh + ', '
        hsh = ''
    # Produce output
    out = []
    if warning:
        out.append(r"\kactlwarning{%s: %s}" % (caption, warning))
    if error:
        out.append(r"\kactlerror{%s: %s}" % (caption, error))
        addref(caption, outstream)
        if commands.get("Description"):
            out.append(r"\defdescription{%s}" % escape(commands["Description"]))
        if commands.get("Usage"):
            out.append(r"\defusage{%s}" % codeescape(commands["Usage"]))
        if commands.get("Time"):
            out.append(r"\deftime{%s}" % ordoescape(commands["Time"]))
        if commands.get("Memory"):
            out.append(r"\defmemory{%s}" % ordoescape(commands["Memory"]))
        if includelist:
            out.append(r"\leftcaption{%s}" % pathescape(", ".join(includelist)))
        if nsource:
            out.append(r"\rightcaption{%s%d lines}" % (hsh, len(nsource.split("\n"))))
        langstr = ", language="+listingslang
        out.append(r"\begin{lstlisting}[caption={%s}%s]" % (pathescape(caption), langstr))

    for line in out:
        print(line, file=outstream)

def processraw(caption, instream, outstream, listingslang = 'raw'):
        source =
        addref(caption, outstream)
        print(r"\rightcaption{%d lines}" % len(source.split("\n")), file=outstream)
        print(r"\begin{lstlisting}[language=%s,caption={%s}]" % (listingslang, pathescape(caption)), file=outstream)
        print(source, file=outstream)
        print(r"\end{lstlisting}", file=outstream)
        print("\kactlerror{Could not read source.}", file=outstream)

def parse_include(line):
    line = line.strip()
    if line.startswith("#include"):
        return line[8:].strip()
    return None

def getlang(input):
    return input.rsplit('.',1)[-1]

def getfilename(input):
    return input.rsplit('/',1)[-1]

def print_header(data, outstream):
    parts = data.split('|')
    until = parts[0].strip() or parts[1].strip()
    if not until:
        # Nothing on this page, skip it.
    with open('header.tmp') as f:
        lines = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
    if until not in lines:
        # Nothing new on the page.

    ind = lines.index(until) + 1
    header_length = len("".join(lines[:ind]))
    def adjust(name):
        return name if name.startswith('.') else name.split('.')[0]
    output = r"\enspace{}".join(map(adjust, lines[:ind]))
    font_size = 10
    if header_length > 150:
        font_size = 8
    output = r"\hspace{3mm}\textbf{" + output + "}"
    output = "\\fontsize{%d}{%d}" % (font_size, font_size) + output
    print(output, file=outstream)
    with open('header.tmp', 'w') as f:
        for line in lines[ind:]:
            f.write(line + "\n")

def main():
    language = None
    caption = None
    instream = sys.stdin
    outstream = sys.stdout
    print_header_value = None
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:i:l:c:", ["help", "output=", "input=", "language=", "caption=", "print-header="])
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                print("This is the help section for this program")
                print("Available commands are:")
                print("\t -o --output")
                print("\t -h --help")
                print("\t -i --input")
                print("\t -l --language")
                print("\t --print-header")
            if option in ("-o", "--output"):
                outstream = open(value, "w")
            if option in ("-i", "--input"):
                instream = open(value)
                if language == None:
                    language = getlang(value)
                if caption == None:
                    caption = getfilename(value)
            if option in ("-l", "--language"):
                language = value
            if option in ("-c", "--caption"):
                caption = value
            if option == "--print-header":
                print_header_value = value
        if print_header_value is not None:
            print_header(print_header_value, outstream)
        print(" * \x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m".format(caption))
        if language in ["cpp", "cc", "c", "h", "hpp"]:
            processwithcomments(caption, instream, outstream, 'C++')
        elif language in ["java", "kt"]:
            processwithcomments(caption, instream, outstream, 'Java')
        elif language == "ps":
            processraw(caption, instream, outstream) # PostScript was added in listings v1.4
        elif language == "raw":
            processraw(caption, instream, outstream)
        elif language == "rawcpp":
            processraw(caption, instream, outstream, 'C++')
        elif language == "sh":
            processraw(caption, instream, outstream, 'bash')
        elif language == "py":
            processwithcomments(caption, instream, outstream, 'Python')
        elif language == "rawpy":
            processraw(caption, instream, outstream, 'Python')
            raise ValueError("Unkown language: " + str(language))
    except (ValueError, getopt.GetoptError, IOError) as err:
        print(str(err), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\t for help use --help", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

if __name__ == "__main__":
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/alex/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/onlinejudge_verify/documentation/", line 71, in _render_source_code_stat
    bundled_code = language.bundle(stat.path, basedir=basedir, options={'include_paths': [basedir]}).decode()
  File "/home/alex/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/onlinejudge_verify/languages/", line 96, in bundle
    raise NotImplementedError
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