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View the Project on GitHub AlexanderNekrasov/Youthful-Passion-Fruit-teambook
/** * Author: Igor Markelov (stole from Red Panda teambook) * Date: 2022-11-05 * Description: Find the intersection of the half planes. * Time: O(n \log(n)) */ vec getPoint(line l) { return {-l.b, l.a}; } bool bad(line a, line b, line c) { point x; assert(intersect(b, c, x) == 1); return a.eval(x) < 0; } // Do not forget about the bounding box vector<point> hpi(vector<line> lines) { sort(all(lines), [](line al, line bl) -> bool { point a = getPoint(al); point b = getPoint(bl); if (half(a) != half(b)) { return half(a) < half(b); } return a % b > 0; }); vector<pair<line, int>> st; for (int it = 0; it < 2; it++) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i++) { bool flag = false; while (!st.empty()) { if (len(getPoint(st.back().first) - getPoint(lines[i])) < EPS) { if (lines[i].c >= st.back().first.c) { flag = true; break; } else { st.pop_back(); } } else if (getPoint(st.back().first) % getPoint(lines[i]) < EPS / 2) { return {}; } else if (st.size() >= 2 && bad(st[st.size() - 2].first, st[st.size() - 1].first, lines[i])) { st.pop_back(); } else { break; } } if (!flag) st.push_back({lines[i], i}); } } vector<int> en(lines.size(), -1); vector<point> ans; for (int i = 0; i < (int)st.size(); i++) { if (en[st[i].second] == -1) { en[st[i].second] = i; continue; } for (int j = en[st[i].second]; j < i; j++) { point I; assert(intersect(st[j].first, st[j + 1].first, I) == 1); ans.push_back(I); } break; } return ans; }
#line 1 "geometry/HalfPlaneIntersection.cpp" /** * Author: Igor Markelov (stole from Red Panda teambook) * Date: 2022-11-05 * Description: Find the intersection of the half planes. * Time: O(n \log(n)) */ vec getPoint(line l) { return {-l.b, l.a}; } bool bad(line a, line b, line c) { point x; assert(intersect(b, c, x) == 1); return a.eval(x) < 0; } // Do not forget about the bounding box vector<point> hpi(vector<line> lines) { sort(all(lines), [](line al, line bl) -> bool { point a = getPoint(al); point b = getPoint(bl); if (half(a) != half(b)) { return half(a) < half(b); } return a % b > 0; }); vector<pair<line, int>> st; for (int it = 0; it < 2; it++) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i++) { bool flag = false; while (!st.empty()) { if (len(getPoint(st.back().first) - getPoint(lines[i])) < EPS) { if (lines[i].c >= st.back().first.c) { flag = true; break; } else { st.pop_back(); } } else if (getPoint(st.back().first) % getPoint(lines[i]) < EPS / 2) { return {}; } else if (st.size() >= 2 && bad(st[st.size() - 2].first, st[st.size() - 1].first, lines[i])) { st.pop_back(); } else { break; } } if (!flag) st.push_back({lines[i], i}); } } vector<int> en(lines.size(), -1); vector<point> ans; for (int i = 0; i < (int)st.size(); i++) { if (en[st[i].second] == -1) { en[st[i].second] = i; continue; } for (int j = en[st[i].second]; j < i; j++) { point I; assert(intersect(st[j].first, st[j + 1].first, I) == 1); ans.push_back(I); } break; } return ans; }